
Showing posts from 2018

Business communication record manual for CREC mba 2 SEM

Business communication record manual for CREC mba 2 SEM Download by clicking below  : Businees communication record manual


WORKING CAPITAL: MANAGEMENT AND FINANCE Article shared by charan sai  by click below

INTRODUCTION TO Human resource management

INTRODUCTION To HRM Article shared by Download below  article by clicking below link : INTRODUCTION To HRM: An organization is made up of four resources, namely men, material, money and machinery. Of these, the first one id living one, i.e. human resource and other three are non-living i.e.non human. It is the human/people that make use of non human resources. Hence, people are the most significant resources in an organization. It is man who makes all the difference in organizations. L.F.Urwick had remarked that “business houses are made or broken in the long run not by markets or capitals, patents or equipments, but by men”. According to Peter F.Drucker, “ man, of all the resources available to man, can grow and develop.” Evolution and Growth of Human Resource Management -: It is very interesting to trace out the evolution and growth of Human Resource Management. People – The Princip

Working capital

Working capital :  Concepts, Importance and objects Article Shared by : siddu reddy  Get pdf by clicking below link::

Finance commission of India

Finance commission of India Artice shared by   Download by following link :

Capital Structure Financing assets with debt and equity

Capital Structure Financing assets with debt and equity Article shared by   What is capital structure? Capital Structure refers to the amount of  debt  and/or  equity  employed by a firm to fund its operations and finance its assets.  The structure is typically expressed as a  debt-to-equity  or debt-to-capital ratio. Debt and equity capital are used to fund a business’ operations,  capital expenditures , acquisitions, and other investments. There are tradeoffs firms have to make when they decide whether to raise debt or equity and managers will balance the two try and find the optimal capital structure. Optimal capital structure The optimal capital structure of a firm is often defined as the proportion of debt and equity that result in the lowest weighted average cost of capital ( WACC ) for the firm. This technical definition is not always used in practice, and firms often have a strategic or philosophical view of what the structure should be. In order t

Service Marketing: Definition, Features and Problem Faced in Marketing Services and difeerence between services and goods

Service  Service Marketing: Definition, Features and Problem Faced in Marketing Services Service Marketing: Definition, Features and Problem Faced in Marketing Services! Definition of Service Marketing: Service marketing is marketing based on relationship and value. It may be used to market a service or a product. With the increasing prominence of services in the global economy, service marketing has become a subject that needs to be studied separately. Marketing services is different from marketing goods because of the unique characteristics of services namely, intangibility, heterogeneity, perishabil­ity and inseparability. In most countries, services add more economic value than agriculture, raw materials and manu­facturing combined. In developed economies, employment is dominated by service jobs and most new job growth comes from services. Jobs range from high-paid professionals and technicians to minimum-wage positions. Service organizations can be of