Management Information Systems automation

MIS Office Automation:

Article shared by N. Siddu reddy 

 The use of computer is to execute a variety of office operations, such as word processing, accounting, and e-mail. Office automation almost always implies a network of computers with a variety of available programs

      Office automation refers to the varied Computer machinery and Software used to digitally create, collect, store, manipulate, and relay office information needed for accomplishing basic tasks. Raw data storage, electronic transfer, and the management of electronic business information comprise the basic activities of an office automation system. Office automation helps in optimizing or automating existing office procedures. The backbone of office automation is a LAN, which allows users to transfer data, mail and even voice across the network. All office functions, including dictation, typing, filing, copying, fax, Telex, microfilm and records management, telephone and telephone switchboard operations, fall into this category. Office automation was a popular term in the 1970s and 1980s as the desktop computer exploded onto the scene.

Advantages are:
  1. Office automation can get many tasks accomplished faster.
  2. It eliminates the need for a large staff.
  3. Less storage is required to store data.
  4. Multiple people can update data simultaneously in the event of changes in schedule
5.     Businesses can easily purchase and stock their wares with the aid of technology. Many of the manual tasks that used to be done by hand can now be done through hand held devices and UPC and SKU coding. In the retail setting, automation also increases choice. Customers can easily process their payments through automated credit card machines and no longer have to wait in line for an employee to process and manually type in the credit card numbers.
6.      Office payrolls have been automated which means no one has to manually cut checks, and those checks that are cut can be printed through computer programs. Direct deposit can be automatically set up and this further reduces the manual process and most employees who participate in direct deposit often find their paychecks come earlier than if they'd have to wait for their checks to be written and then cleared by the bank.
7.      Other ways automation has reduced employee manpower on tasks is automated voice direction. Through the use of prompts, automated phone menus and directed calls, the need for employees to be dedicated to answer the phones has been reduced, and in some cases, eliminated.

      The term office automation refers to all tools and methods that are applied to officeactivities which make it possible to process written, visual, and sound data in a computer-aided manner.
     Office automation is intended to provide elements which make it possible to simplify, improve, and automate the organization of the activities of a company or a group of people (management of administrative data, synchronization of meetings, etc.).
     Considering that company organizations require increased communication, today, office automation is no longer limited to simply capturing handwritten notes. In particular, it also includes the following activities:
  • exchange of information
  • management of administrative documents
  • handling of numerical data
  • meeting planning and management of work schedules
    The term "office suite" refers to all software programs which make it possible to meet office needs. In particular, an office suite therefore includes the following software programs:
  • word processing
  • a Spread sheet
  • a presentation tool
  • a Database
  • a scheduler
The main office suites are:
  • Open Office  (freeware)
  • Apple Works
  • Corel word Perfect
  • IBM/Lotus Smart Suite
  • Microsoft Office
  • Sun Star Office



EDMS - Electronic Document Management System
  EDMS - electronic document management system is a software program that manages the creation, storage and control of documents electronically. The primary function of an EDMS is to manage electronic information within an organization workflow. A basic EDMS should include document management, workflow, text retrieval, and imaging. An EDMS must be capable of providing secure access, maintaining the context, and executing disposition instructions for all records in the system.
One should always look for an EDMS that provides:
  • Security control: This function controls which users have access to which information. Any system that you use must be able to protect not-public records as defined by the MGDPA.
  • Version Control: The EDMS should allow users to add documents to the system and designate a document as an official record. It should also automatically assign the correct version designation.
  • Metadata Capture: The EDMS should allow you to capture and use the metadata appropriate for your agency.


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